2024 Wrapped
New this year (so far)!

Records for 131 sites, 144 publications, 332 names, 5781 images & videos have been published since 1 January. Below are 2 collections containing all the sites and publications made available to you this year. A representative sampling of publications and sites follows these.

New in 2024: Sites
A complete collection of sites published this year.
New in 2024: Publications
A complete collection of publications added this year.
A Journey Through Lahore Fort: A Historical Odyssey
A Journey Through Lahore Fort. The digital version of the coffee table book presenting each part of the fort with essay and extensive photography.
Unknown Vol 1, No 1
Unknown. The first volume of a new Nigerian journal highlighting the country's architecture focuses on the transformation of the site of a colonial prison into Freedom Park.
Herat Elite Burials: An Endangered Heritage
Herat Elite Burials: The full puplication of and inventory and contextualization of historic cenotaphs of a shrine in the historic city.
Treasures of Knowledge: An Inventory of the Ottoman Palace Library (1502/3-1503/4):  (2 Vols.)
Treasures of Knowledge: An Inventory of the Ottoman Palace Library (1502/3-1503/4). A volume of essays on and a volume reproducing the 16th-century inventory.
Inclusive Architecture: Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Inclusive Architecture. An illustrated collection of essays, documents, and graphics on the 15th cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture and the projects shortlisted therein.
Panoramic photographs of Hama City, Syria by Michel Écochard, 1940. Described in Arabic and English by Rami Alafandi.
Historic, panoramic photographs of Hama, Syria showing the city before much of it was destroyed in the 1980s bombardment and more recent conflicts .
Guide et boîte à outils pour les évaluations d’impact dans un contexte de patrimoine mondial
Guide et boîte à outils pour les évaluations d’impact dans un contexte de patrimoine mondial. Also available in English and Arabic.
Case Studies: Addressing Local Needs and Aspirations Through Community Development and Infrastructure Building Projects
Addressing Local Needs and Aspirations: Case Studies of Architectural Projects. The second series studies 23 project shortlisted for the AKAA in the domains of education; museums and cultural centres; sustainable tourism and social recreation facilities; and the development of urban infrastructure and community services.
Manuel des villes arabes pour l’inclusion urbaine: promouvoir l’inclusion urbaine par la participation publique, l’accès à l’information, le sport et l’éducation à la citoyenneté et aux droits de l’homme
Toolkit for urban inclusion in Arab cities: cities promoting inclusion through public participation, access to information, sport, and citizenship and human rights education. Also in English and Arabic.
Presentation: Machine Khana
Visual presentation on the Machine Khana project to revitalize the center of Kabul, this publication contains 26 pages of images, plans, and sections.
Lecture 1: Indian Ocean Trade and its Impact on Architecture
Pedagogical resources on the history of Indian Ocean Trade and its impact on Architecture. 4 Lectures and 149 supporting images. f
  Maṣāḥif Ṣanʻāʾ/مصاحف صنعاء
Maṣāḥif Ṣanʻāʾ/مصاحف صنعاء. The catalog of the 1985 exhibition at the Kuwait National Museum devoted to the manuscripts.
Muqarnas XXXVI: An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World
Muqarnas 36. Articles on topics from monumental architecture, manuscripts, textiles, and tiles, to inscriptions, material objects, across the region from India to Turkey, and finally Oxford, England.
باغ بابر: بازسـازی و مـدیریت / Restoration and Management of Babur's Garden
باغ بابر: بازسـازی و مـدیریت / Restoration and Management of Babur's Garden. A description of restoration process and the management model for the garden in Dari.
Muqarnas XXXVII: An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World
Muqarnas 37. New research on Islamic material culture ranging from Abbasid period mosaics to the early twentieth-century art market.
Picture Wall of Lahore Fort
Picture Wall of Lahore Fort. The full coffee table style book extensively illustrating the history and restoration of the 1560 meter long, decorative tile mural.
The Archaeology of Afghanistan from Prehistory to the Beginning of Islam / باستانشناسی افغانستان از ماقبل التاریخ تا اوایل دوره اسلامی
باستانشناسی افغانستان از ماقبل التاریخ تا اوایل دوره اسلامی. A Dari version of L’archéologie de l’Afghanistan de la Préhistoire au début de l’Islam that makes this important history available to local residents in their language.
Al-Imam al-Shafi'i Mausoleum Conservation Project
Al-Imam al-Shafi'i Mausoleum Conservation Project
Cairo, Egypt
Ancienne mosquée de Sakété
Ancienne mosquée de Sakété
Porto-Novo, Benin
Bala Hissar Conservation
Bala Hissar Conservation
Kabul, Afghanistan
Cambridge Central Mosque
Cambridge Central Mosque
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Casablanca Finance City Tower
Casablanca Finance City Tower
Casablanca, Morocco
Club Manzana
Club Manzana
Sfax, Tunisia
Uram Extreme Park
Uram Extreme Park
Kazan, Russian Federation
Tripoli Congress Centre
Tripoli Congress Centre
Tripoli, Libya
Restoration of Three Mosques
Restoration of Three Mosques
Jerba, Tunisia
South Moat at Fort Cornwallis Restoration
South Moat at Fort Cornwallis Restoration
George Town, Malaysia
Baraka Slum Reconstruction
Baraka Slum Reconstruction
Dakar, Senegal