Expiración García-Sánchez

Expiración García-Sánchez has been a researcher at the School of Arabic Studies in Granada, belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She received her PhD in Semitic Philology, specializing in Arabic, and did postgraduate studies in Geography and History, specializing in Medieval History. She was a professor in the Department of Islamic History at the University of Granada from 1978 to 1985, and vice-director of the School of Arabic Studies in Granada from 1998 to 2005. She has taught specialization courses in several Spanish universities, and in other international universities, including La Manouba (Tunisia) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is on the editorial board of several scientific journals and series, such as Al-Qanṭara, Suhayl and Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos, and is a member of several European academic associations, including the Union Européenne d'Arabisants et d'Islamisants and the Societé Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences et de la Philosophie Arabes et Islamiques. Dr. García-Sánchez is a specialist in History of Scientific Knowledge in al-Andalus, with important publications on food, agriculture and botany, and other related subjects, such as pharmacology, history of gardens in al-Andalus and ethnobotany. She is the author of fifteen books and monographs, and more than two hundred research articles and scientific contributions; she has also been the founder of the collection Ciencias de la Naturaleza en al-Andalus. Textos and Estudios, and coordinator of nine volumes (1990-2014) of the ten published (last in 2019) of that collection. She is a Corresponding Member (since 2020) of the Royal Academy of History of Madrid.
