Edmund Happold

8 November 1930 - 12 January 1996
United Kingdom

Structural Engineer and Founder of Buro Happold

Born 8 November 1930 in Leeds

1957 BSc in Civil Engineering from Leeds University

1961 Joins Ove Arup and Partners on the recommendation of architect Basil Spence

1967 Promoted to Head of Structures 3 at Ove Arup and Partners

1976 Appointed Chair of Building Engineering at Bath University; Established BuroHappold Engineering

1986-1987 President of the Institution of Structural Engineers


“Edmund ‘Ted’ Happold.” n.d. Structurae. Accessed January 12, 2023. https://structurae.net/en/persons/edmund-ted-happold. Archived at https://perma.cc/4JHD-K3DQ.

Wikipedia. 2023. “Edmund Happold.” Wikipedia. January 13, 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Happold. Archived at https://perma.cc/ZG8R-5MZ8>

Additional Names

Ted Happold

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