Ahmed Hussain Agha


Ahmed Hussain Agha was born in Agra and studied architecture there. He was first employed at the royal palace of Jaipur where he led restoration, maintenance and additions to the palace. His proficiency gained him a post in the Court of Jodhpur, but was forced to leave due to palace intrigues. He became the Surveyor for the Karachi Municipality in the late 1910s.

Agha became the first Muslim architect of Karachi and was the architect of two very well executed Mughal-Revival buildings, the Hindu Gymkhana and Mohatta palace.


Lari, Yasmeen, and Mihail S. Lari. 1996. The Dual City: Karachi During the Raj. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 308.

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Additional Names

Agha Ahmed Hussain