Helen Walasek

Bosnia and Herzegovina

"Helen Walasek is the author of Bosnia and the Destruction of Cultural Heritage (Routledge 2015) and is an independent researcher, writer and lecturer on cultural heritage in conflict and its aftermath. She is an Honorary Associate Research Fellow at University of Exeter and was Deputy Director of Bosnia-Herzegovina Heritage Rescue (BHHR), the only heritage NGO accredited as a humanitarian aid organisation operating in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the 1992–1995 war. She has been a consultant expert to the Council of Europe, an advisor to the Swedish NGO Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB), and an Associate of the Bosnian Institute, London 1998–2007. Her field trips across Bosnia-Herzegovina (2000 and 2001) with archaeologist Richard Carlton were the first post-war assessments of damaged and destroyed historic monuments throughout the country. She was advisor-contributor to the website Targeting History and Memory (www.heritage.sense-agency.com) and is currently co-organising a workshop on prosecuting war crimes against cultural property."

Source: Newcastle University. Accessed, March 28, 2022.
