Research Unitization in the Design Decision Making Process

journal article

This article summarizes findings from a national survey of interior design practitioners in the United States (N=366).  The study explored interior design practitioners' current preferences for conducting project research including: activities conducted and sources used, attraction to and recall from sources, and ideas for communicating research findings. Responses suggest that interior designers do value research, yet have little time to utilize research. While cross-tabulation analyses indicate no major differences in research activities between the study’s demographic groups, collectively, only 12% of the sample indicated they utilized academic journals and, at times, even incorrectly identified those sources. Open-ended responses allowed designers to offer ideas for communicating research and four key themes emerged, including: topic selection and relevancy, ideas for new dissemination methods, ideas for presentation style, and perceptions of the written language used.  It is hoped that this study’s findings may help design researchers better communicate their own findings to design practitioners.


Design Research; Research Utilization; Interior Design; Peer Review; Knowledge Acquisition


Huber, Amy. "RESEARCH UTILIZATION IN THE DESIGN DECISION MAKING PROCESS" International Journal of Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR [Online], Volume 10 Number 1.

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Amy Huber


