DISEGNARECON. Vol 15, No 28 (2022). Cities and Migration: Visual approaches to the challenges of increasingly diverse cities.


DISEGNARECON: Scientific Journal on Architecture and Cultural Heritage

VOL. 15, NO. 28: Cities and Migration: Visual approaches to the challenges of increasingly diverse cities

Table of Contents

Editorial: "Cities and architecture in the context of global migration"

Beniamino Polimeni, Michael Toler


disegnare con...

"disegnare con... FRANCO CERVELLINI" by Daniele Rossi

DISEGNARECON is an international, on-line, diamond open access and blind peer reviewed scientific journal focused on researches and case studies in the different fields of cultural heritage, and in particular of built heritage design, representation, communication, and valorization, in relation to the multiple tangible and intangible dimensions. DISEGNARECON is a wording made by two different Italian polysemantic words: "disegnare" (means "drawing" but also "design") + "con" ("with" or "through"). The journal invites submissions and aims to favor the discussion and debate between scholars.

Founded by Roberto Mingucci

The journal is published by the University of L’Aquila (Italy).

Editorial Director: Mario Centofanti; Vice Editorial Director: Roberto Mingucci

Editor in Chief: Stefano Brusaporci,

Journal Manager: Pamela Maiezza.

Editorial Board: Marinella Arena, Giuseppe Amoruso, Enrico Cicalò, Danilo Di Donato, Alfonso Forgione, Mariangela Liuzzo, Massimiliano Lo Turco, Alessandro Luigini, Silvia Mantini, Alessandra Meschini, Antonella Nuzzaci, Assunta Pelliccio, Daniele Rossi, Marianna Rotilio, Michele Russo, Alessandra Tata, Alessandra Tosone, Ilaria Trizio, Adriana Marra. Editoral Assistants: Stefano Boero, Andrea Ruggieri.

Scientific committee: (Italy) Stefano Bertocci, Carlo Bianchini, Massimiliano Campi, Mario Centofanti, Simonetta Ciranna, Antonella Di Luggo, Francesca Fatta, Andrea Giordano, Roberto Mingucci, Adriana Rossi, Rossella Salerno, Roberta Spallone, Ornella Zerlenga; (Spain) Pilar Chias Navarro, Pablo Rodriguez-Navarro; (UK-China) Eugene Ch'ng; (France) Livio De Luca; (Poland) Tomasz Jelenski; (Argentina) Mauro Chiarella; (Brazil) Altino Barbosa Caldeira, Ana Clara Mourão Moura, (New Zealand) Renata Jadresin-Milic.

Indexed in SCOPUS, WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index, SJR, doaj

Rated by ANVUR as "Scientific Journal” for Italian Scientific Areas 08-10-11


Polimeni , Beniamino, and Michael A Toler, eds. DISEGNARECON 15, no. 28 (2022).

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