Function Defies Form: A Thought for Architecture in the New Information Age

journal article
This paper discusses the issues and thoughts on the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) towards some of today’s buildings– form and function. ‘Form follows function’ is perhaps one of the world famous dictums in architecture that many would agree on its feasibility in the theory of basic building designs. However, the emergence of the new ‘Information Age’ had suggested otherwise. Spaces had become more intelligent and interactive while circulation is becoming more fluid and flexible. Building forms tend to be more invisible as users turn to the World Wide Web for routine activities that was once achievable only through physical interaction. Nowadays activities such as shopping, meeting, schooling, chatting and even a visit to the library is virtually possible. As computers and human are adapting more towards each other, buildings are just becoming a matter of platform to store the software and hardware. In the digital world, architects face a daunting task of reclaiming the original image and identity of what we see as a ‘building’. Regardless of any invasion of new technology, buildings should serve its purpose as a reflection of the place’s image and identity. This paper would hope to provoke new thoughts in architectural approach as we reach the dawn of an information society.


Ghani, Izham. "Function Defies Form: A Thought for Architecture in the New Information Age," in ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 1, issue 3 (2007).

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Izham Ghani

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