This paper is part of my research exploring the architectural design studio (ADS) and its engagement with the real world. This engagement is partly investigated by identifying instances where the architectural design brief (reflecting the reality of practice) manifests in the ADS handouts. Specifically, I will examine here the occurrence of three of the nine criteria identified in the design brief within the ADS handouts: consultation, need, and client. Spike and the slumdwellers are two “clients” that reveal some of the complexities of the connection between ADS handouts and the real world. The data for the study consists of 145 handouts from three architectural faculties in Australia. It covers five years of architectural studies between 2003 and 2007.
Maturana, Beatriz C. "How Spike and the Slumdweller Find Reality in Design Studio Handouts: An Exploration of Reality in the Design Studio," in ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 4, issues 2/3 (2010).