Exploring Healthcare Architecture Through the Medium of Film: Motives and Techniques

journal article
The interdisciplinary field of person-environment relations has, from its origins, addressed the transactional relationship between human behavior and the built environment. This body of knowledge has been based upon qualitative and quantitative assessment of phenomena in the “real world.” This knowledge base has been instrumental in advancing the quality of real, physical environments globally at various scales of inquiry and with myriad user/client constituencies. By contrast, scant attention has been devoted to using simulation as a means to examine and represent person-environment transactions and how what is learned can be applied. The present discussion posits that press-competency theory, with related aspects drawn from functionalist-evolutionary theory, can together function to help us learn of how the medium of film can yield further insights to person-environment (P-E) transactions in the real world. Sampling, combined with extemporary behavior setting analysis, provide the basis for this analysis of healthcare settings as expressed throughout the history of cinema. This method can be of significant aid in examining P-E transactions across diverse historical periods, building types and places, healthcare and otherwise, otherwise logistically, geographically, or temporally unattainable in real time and space.

Key words: film; chronology, person-environment transactions; behavior setting analysis


Verderber, Stephen. "Exploring Healthcare Architecture Through the Medium of Film: Motives and Techniques." Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 8, issue 1 (2014): 29-49

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Stephen Verderber

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