1959-62 Survey
Located approximately 300 m west of Mujahidpur village. Grid ref. H-10
This is a domed building with a square plan and entrances on all four sides. There are oriel windows on either side of the east entrance, which appears to have been the front of the building. There are mīnār-like turrets flanking every entrance, and there are peculiar symbols by the south and east turrets. Inside there are currently no tombs; furthermore, considering the way the building also opens to the west, it is possible that it was a gate. For the time being, however, it will be classified as a tomb, judging from its surroundings.
2015-18 Survey
There is some space on the north side, but a high-rise dwelling has been built to its east across an alley only 1m wide. Buildings abut the south and west sides. In 2015, ASI repaired the exterior and interior with stucco.
[平面]Monuments of Delhiによると、外形10.8m四方。基壇部をもち四方を開口する壁式ドーム建築。
Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.
Map Reference : Grid ref. G-12, Ill. 22.
IOC Reference : T41, Ⅴ-10;
ASI Reference :Ⅲ-302
Archived IOC Site Record: https://perma.cc/YSZ8-5T6Z
1959-62 Survey
Located approximately 300 m west of Mujahidpur village. Grid ref. H-10
This is a domed building with a square plan and entrances on all four sides. There are oriel windows on either side of the east entrance, which appears to have been the front of the building. There are mīnār-like turrets flanking every entrance, and there are peculiar symbols by the south and east turrets. Inside there are currently no tombs; furthermore, considering the way the building also opens to the west, it is possible that it was a gate. For the time being, however, it will be classified as a tomb, judging from its surroundings.
2015-18 Survey
There is some space on the north side, but a high-rise dwelling has been built to its east across an alley only 1m wide. Buildings abut the south and west sides. In 2015, ASI repaired the exterior and interior with stucco.
[平面]Monuments of Delhiによると、外形10.8m四方。基壇部をもち四方を開口する壁式ドーム建築。
Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.
Map Reference : Grid ref. G-12, Ill. 22.
IOC Reference : T41, Ⅴ-10;
ASI Reference :Ⅲ-302
Archived IOC Site Record: https://perma.cc/YSZ8-5T6Z