Shaikhpur Hamam (Mission for Indian History and Archaeology)
New Delhi, India

1959-62 Survey

Called the Hammām of Shaikhpur. Located approximately 400 m northwest from Shaikhpur village. Grid ref. H-11

This building has an almost-square plan of 14.5 m by 15.5 m, and it has a height of only about 2.5 m from the ground. Inside there are nine rooms which are interconnected by narrow passages. The central room and the four in the corners are domed and have octagonal plans; the other rooms have hipped roofs and rectangular plans. There are four to five holes in each roof, which can be assumed to be for ventilation and light. Approximately 8 m southeast of this hammām, there are the ruins of a well, which is thought to have been built in connection with the hammām.




2015-18 Survey

There are no traces of this structure; there is instead a wide road and Panchshila Park. As medieval hammams are unusual in the Indian subcontinent, the loss of this structure is regrettable.

[現状]広い道路とPanchshila Parkが整備され、跡形もない。中世のハンマームはインド亜大陸には珍しく、消失が惜しまれる。

[ハンマーム ] Monuments of Delhiによると東西15.5m南北14.5mで、『デリー』によると高さ(おそらく屋上まで)2.5mとあるが、本来の床面はそれより低いと思われる。中央大ドーム室(8角形平面)を中心とした5の目プランで、4隅に小ドーム室(8角形平面)を配し、その間を船底天井の矩形部屋でつなぐ。内部写真が一枚残り8アーチを回し、石のサイズから考えると隅の部屋で、かなり厚くスタッコが塗られ、アーチ支持部は、土砂に埋もれる。1959-62年の写真を総合すると、北と東は閉じ、西と南の中央に入口がある。西面入口南に2つのアーチ跡があり、周辺に堆積物も多く、焚き口等の施設が付設したかもしれない。西アジアのハンマーム事例と比較すると、中央の大ドーム室を着替え室とし、周囲を冷浴室、温浴室、熱浴室等に使ったと推定される。

Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.

Map Reference : Grid ref. G-12, Ill. 22. 

IOC Reference : O51, Ⅷ-19;

ASI Reference :Ⅲ-260.

Archived IOC Site Record:


Panchsheel Marg, New Delhi, India

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Style Periods


14.5m X 15.5m

Variant Names

Hammam at Sheikhpur
Hammām of Shaikhpur

Site Types


