Fumihiko Maki

b. 1928, September 6
Born in Tokyo in 1928 Fumihiko Maki graduated from the the University of Tokyo in 1952, and a Master's degree from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan. In 1954 he received a Master of Architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Design. 

He established his firm, Maki and Associates in 1965, and soon became a leading figure of contemporary architecture, designing projects in Asia, Europe, and North and South America. He is a recipient of the Pritzker Prize (1993) and the AIA Gold Medal in 2011.  

In his entry Maki published in the Dictionnaire de l'architecture du XXe siècle, Xavier Guillot notes
Maki se distingue de ses contemporains japonais par so conception d'une architecture composée des volumes fragmentés et par l'attention quel porte aux relations entre le bâtiment et l'environnement, afin d'enrichir les espaces publiques exterior. 
 This is certainly evident in his design of the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, Canada, among other projects.


Dictionnaire De l'Architecture Du XXe Siècle. Edited by Jean-Paul Midant. Hazan/Institut Francais d'Architecture, 1996.

"Maki And Associates". Accessed September 3, 2019. https://perma.cc/5ESW-5B79 http://www.maki-and-associates.co.jp/index.html.

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Additional Names

Maki Fumihiko
(槇 文彦

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