Inventories - Michel Écochard Archive

This collection of Inventories of the Michel Écochard Archive, is meant to aid users in finding any of the various inventories and related documents that describe all, or part, of the Archive.  There is also a traditional "finding aid" in the works, which will be included in this collection in the coming month(s).  The Aga Khan Documentation Center (AKDC), is a part of the Department of Distinctive Collections at the MIT Libraries.  The Michel Écochard Archive is one of several of AKDC's archives which are being processed, and rehoused, when necessary.  The material can be researched prior to our finishing its processing by request.  Please contact Betsy Baldwin, the Collections Archivist at the Aga Khan Documentation Center (AKDC), with questions, or to make a research appointment for a time within our normal researcher access hours (which are Monday - Thursday, 10a.m. to 4p.m.).

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