This two-day symposium held at MIT on May 10-11, 2019 sought to address the following questions: How do violence and conflict not only destroy but constitute, design, and organize the built environments and infrastructure? How do we understand the urbanization of warfare in relation to urban theory and reconstruction practices? Participants were asked to consider the recent warfare in the Middle East, with a special focus on
Aleppo, in relation to the built environment and the extent to which reconstruction processes can be weaponized.
Friday, May 10
Session I: Urbanization and Destruction. Moderator: Allison Cuneo, MIT
Saturday, May 11
Session II: The Case of Aleppo. Moderator: Nasser Rabbat, MIT
Session III: Reconstruction as Violence. Moderator: Huma Gupta, MIT
Conclusion and Summary. Deen Sharp, MIT