The History of Ura-Tyube: From the Late Fifteenth to the Early Twentieth Century

Мухтаров, Ахрор. История Ура-Тюбе: Конец XV-Начало XX вв. Душанбе: Институт Истории, Археологии и Этнографии АН Республики Таджикистан, 1999, 284c.

Muhtarov, Ahror. Istoriya Ura – Tyube: Konets XV- Nachalo XX vv. Dushanbe: Institut Istorii , Arkhyeologii i Etnografii AN Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 1999, 284pp.


The History of Ura-Tyube: From the Late Fifteenth to the Early Twentieth Century

История Ура-Тюбе: Конец XV-Начало XX вв

This book was published in 1999 in honour of the 2500-year anniversary of Ura-Tyube. 

The work represents the widest and most integral study of the history of this ancient city from the end of the fifteenth century to 1920. The book is principally intended for research communities, specialist historians, ethnographers and archaeologists specialising in Central Asian issues. It would also appeal to a wider audience of readers interested in the history of the Tajik people and Central Asian cities.

The book tells the story of the Ura-Tyube region, one of the most ancient civilisations in Central Asia; it describes sits rich past and the important role it has played in the history of the Tajik people. The region witnessed many turbulent events between the sixteenth and early twentieth centuries. As Muhtarov explains, the Ura-Tyube region was independent during the second half of the eighteenth century, until Kukan Khan and the Emir of Bukhara laid claim to it and divided the territory between them. According to the author, the struggle for dominance over this region continued up until Russia’s conquest of Central Asia which, in his words, ended the region’s traumatic divisions. This opened up economic possibilities and led to relatively rapid development.

This work is the first over-arching compilation of both previously published and unpublished information on the history of Ura-Tyube. Muhtarov tackles the political and dynastic history of the region, from the point when the city first became known as Ura-Tyube. He examines the changes in the region in detail from various angles, including economic and fiscal transformations, and power structures.

The author considers Ura-Tyube to be one of the key regions of Central Asia. He notes that in order to carry out a deeper study of Ura-Tyube’s history in colonial times, he used a broad range of materials from Russian researchers of that period. At the same time, he also emphasises that the issues touched upon in his work have not yet been fully studied and require further investigation. However, he has achieved his goal to elucidate reasons for the wars which occurred between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries in this central region of modern day Uzbekistan, which includes Samarqand, Fergana Valley and Tashkent. He has also successfully defined Ura-Tyube and its role in the history of the Tajik people and other peoples of Central Asia. The author himself sees the work’s only shortcoming to be that he has not been able to include all possible data and research sources, and therefore he considers the work to be as yet unfinished.
Askarsho Kalonov
Translated by A.A. Prime


Kalonov, Askarsho. '"English abstract of 'The History of Ura-Tyube: From the Late Fifteenth to the Early Twentieth Century'". Translated by A. A. Prime. In Cities as Built and Lived Environments: Scholarship from Muslim Contexts, 1875 to 2011, by Aptin Khanbaghi, 68. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014.




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