The History of Almeria during the Islamic Period from its Founding until its Seizure by the Almoravids (344–484 AH/955–1091 CE)

.أبو الفضل، محمد أحمد. تاريخ مدينة المرية الأندلسية في العصر الإسلامي: منذ إنشائها حتى استيلاء المرابطين عليها ٣٤٤-٤٨٤هـ/٩٥٥-١٠٩١م. الإسکندریة: الهيئة المصرية العامة، ١٩٨١، ٢٩٩ص

Abu al-Fadl, Muhammad Ahmad. Tarikh Madinat al-Mariyyah al-Andalusiyyah fi al-ʻAsr al-Islami: Mundhu Inshaʼiha Hatta Istilaʼ al-Murabitin ʻAlayha, 344-484 H / 955-1091 M. Alexandria: al-Hayʼah al-Misriyyah al-ʻAmmah, 1981, 299pp.


The History of Almeria during the Islamic Period from its Founding until its Seizure by the Almoravids (344-484 AH /955-1091 CE)

تاريخ مدينة المرية الأندلسية في العصر الإسلامي: منذ إنشائها حتى استيلاء المرابطين عليها ٣٤٤-٤٨٤هـ/٩٥٥-١٠٩١م

This book deals with the political and cultural history of the Andalusian town of Almeria from its founding in 955 CE (344 AH) until its capture by the Almoravids in 1091 CE (484 AH). In doing so, this work highlights the city’s importance as a commercial and naval hub that played an important role in the history of Andalusia, and most especially in Islamic maritime history.

In the first chapter the author discusses in a comprehensive manner the political history of Almeria between 955-1091 CE (344-484 AH) and relevant aspects relating to the establishment of the town, its important geographical features, and the historical circumstances which allowed it to become the most prominent Andalusian maritime base. This is followed by a study of the period during which Almeria was governed by Banu ‘Amir rulers such as Khayran and Zuhayr. The book then moves on to discuss the establishment of the Banu Sumadiḥ State which lasted until the Almoravid conquest in 1091 CE (484 AH). Chapter two deals with the most important aspects of the town’s civilisation. It starts with its architectural development and covers a study of its most important remaining historical sites. The book also touches upon economic and intellectual life in a detailed way. This helps to complete the picture which the author successfully draws of the political, economic, architectural and scientific aspects of Islamic Almeria: this despite a lack of sources and academic research concerning the town.

The author has managed to approach his research in a scientific and methodical way by relying on textual analysis in order to elicit results. As a result, he has been able to provide good scientific material for those studying this subject or simply those interested in it. The work nevertheless suffers from a lack of illustrative pictures and maps which are essential when dealing with the town’s architecture. 

Shirin Khidr
Translated by Hugh Lovatt


Khidr, Shirin. “English abstract of 'The History of Almeria during the Islamic Period from its Founding until its Seizure by the Almoravids (344-484 AH /955-1091 CE)'". Translated by Hugh Lovatt. In Cities as Built and Lived Environments: Scholarship from Muslim Contexts, 1875 to 2011, by Aptin Khanbaghi, 134. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014.




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