Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Ben Guerir, Morocco

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University was established in 2014 to promote research and innovation in North Africa. It is located on an approximately 55-hectare campus in the Green City, Ben Guerir, Morocco, about 50 miles north of Marrakech. RBTA (Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura) won an international competition, commissioned by the OCP Group (Office chérifien des phosphates), to design the campus in 2011. Construction began in 2012, was completed in late 2015, and the campus was opened in 2016.

The design of the campus is geometrically organized, with a plan that encourages pedestrian traffic, simulataneously encouraging intellectual and social exchange and green transportation. with an urban grid that integrates the campus with the Green City. 

The campus includes the School of Industrial Management (EMINES), dormitories, sports and recreational facilities. Mining & Geology Research Centre, Congress Centre, Office building for the OCP, restaurant and club house, five research centers and the learning centre, located on both sides of the pedestrian axis at the centre of campus. A hotel and the OCP Regional Headquarters facing the green extension, and car park facilities. 


"Campus Life." Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. Accessed December 5, 2019. Archived at

"Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique." Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura. Accessed December 5, 2019. Archived at - maybe?


Ben Guerir, Morocco

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Associated Names


2016 (Completed)
2012-2015 (Construction)


Site area: 540,000 square meters; Floor area: 300,000 square meters

Additional Names

Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique
Mohamed VI University

Site Types
