1959-1962 Survey
Chausath Khamba Masjid/Chausath Khamba Masjid
Grid ref. I-6, Ill. 25-26.
There is a prayer hall five bays long and one bay deep on the western side of a small courtyard, and wings measuring three bays project out to the east from the bays on the north and south ends. There is a corresponding building on the other side of the courtyard with the same ground plan of a main room with projecting wings at either end. This building, to the east, was probably used as an associated facility by the mosque. The popular name for the mosque, Chauṇsaṫh Khambā (lit. sixty-four pillars), probably derives from the number of pillars in this building. The mosque is still used for religious purposes, and the prayer hall is covered in whitewash.
チョーンサトサト=カンバー(Chaunsath Khambah; Chaunsaṭh Khambah )とよばれていたもので,デリー門の西南約800メートル,マトゥラー・ロードの西方約600メートルにある。附図.I-6 せまい内庭の西側には,南北5間・奥行1間の礼拝室があり,その南北両端の間から,それぞれ束へ3間の袖室を張り出している。内庭をはさんで,この主建物と対称の位握に,同じ平面の凹字形の建物が附置され,外部に向かって開かれている。東側にあるこの建物は,西側のモスクの附属施設として使用されたものであったと思われる。チョゥサト=カンバー(64本の柱)という俗称は,この建物の柱の数に由来するものであろう。このモスクは,現在もなお,信仰の場として用いられており,西側の主建物は,白い塗装がほどこされている。第Ⅱ期。 東研.Ⅱ-3;ASI.Ⅱ-105
2015 - 2018 Re-Survey
This is in use as a mosque. The building on the west is covered in such a thick material that the original material remains unknown; two piers have been erected on its east side to raise a roof, but the cross vaults remain as they were. The building on the east is better preserved than the mosque. It has been painted white and green, a new ablution facility has been constructed outside its south side, and almost all the arches facing out have been closed off, except for the two arches of the entrance to the ablution facility. The outer eaves (chajja) in the 1959-62 photos are all gone. In the space between the east and west buildings, there is a platform the same height as the floor of the west building; above, a lean-to roof covers the area.
Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.
Map Reference : Grid ref. I-6, Ill. 25-26.
IOC Reference : M12, Ⅱ-3
ASI Reference : Ⅱ-105
Archived IOC Site Record: https://perma.cc/7Z34-TA5S
1959-1962 Survey
Chausath Khamba Masjid/Chausath Khamba Masjid
Grid ref. I-6, Ill. 25-26.
There is a prayer hall five bays long and one bay deep on the western side of a small courtyard, and wings measuring three bays project out to the east from the bays on the north and south ends. There is a corresponding building on the other side of the courtyard with the same ground plan of a main room with projecting wings at either end. This building, to the east, was probably used as an associated facility by the mosque. The popular name for the mosque, Chauṇsaṫh Khambā (lit. sixty-four pillars), probably derives from the number of pillars in this building. The mosque is still used for religious purposes, and the prayer hall is covered in whitewash.
チョーンサトサト=カンバー(Chaunsath Khambah; Chaunsaṭh Khambah )とよばれていたもので,デリー門の西南約800メートル,マトゥラー・ロードの西方約600メートルにある。附図.I-6 せまい内庭の西側には,南北5間・奥行1間の礼拝室があり,その南北両端の間から,それぞれ束へ3間の袖室を張り出している。内庭をはさんで,この主建物と対称の位握に,同じ平面の凹字形の建物が附置され,外部に向かって開かれている。東側にあるこの建物は,西側のモスクの附属施設として使用されたものであったと思われる。チョゥサト=カンバー(64本の柱)という俗称は,この建物の柱の数に由来するものであろう。このモスクは,現在もなお,信仰の場として用いられており,西側の主建物は,白い塗装がほどこされている。第Ⅱ期。 東研.Ⅱ-3;ASI.Ⅱ-105
2015 - 2018 Re-Survey
This is in use as a mosque. The building on the west is covered in such a thick material that the original material remains unknown; two piers have been erected on its east side to raise a roof, but the cross vaults remain as they were. The building on the east is better preserved than the mosque. It has been painted white and green, a new ablution facility has been constructed outside its south side, and almost all the arches facing out have been closed off, except for the two arches of the entrance to the ablution facility. The outer eaves (chajja) in the 1959-62 photos are all gone. In the space between the east and west buildings, there is a platform the same height as the floor of the west building; above, a lean-to roof covers the area.
Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.
Map Reference : Grid ref. I-6, Ill. 25-26.
IOC Reference : M12, Ⅱ-3
ASI Reference : Ⅱ-105
Archived IOC Site Record: https://perma.cc/7Z34-TA5S