Bayt al-Belayli
Sana'a, Yemen

Located in the Suq al-Milh area of the city, the House of al-Belayli dates to the seventeenth century with some further work being executed in 1904, (probably the addition of the top floors). It represents an excellent example of the tower houses of Sana'a.

Like many houses in the old city, the House of al-Belayli possesses an ashlar stone foundation surmounted by clay bricks that extend the height of seven stories, making it one of the tallest structures in the historic center. Today it is owned by the government and subdivided into apartments. However, in its original state it would have followed a similar floor plan to other houses in Sana'a with the ground floor serving animal husbandry needs, followed by a floor for storing grains and other goods for the home. Above this would have been an area for receiving guests with the next level featuring the diwan, a large parlor reserved for family celebrations or gatherings. Above this would have been the private family living quarters with the top floor of the house functioning as a reception and entertainment area, usually used in the afternoon by the men of the family and their guests when they assemble to chew qat or smoke flavored tobacco from the traditional water pipes. This parlor is called a mafraj and features low windows that provide views to the city from three sides. With its high ceilings, stained glass windows, heavy wooden doors, ornately sculpted gypsum plaster decoration and Arabic inscriptions, the mafraj in the House of al-Belayli is exceptional and of the finest in the historic city. Above this level, the house features a zihrah, one small room approximately two meters square with surround windows that offer panoramic views of Sana'a. The house owner would have used this privileged space for private reflection or hosting a select group of close friends.


Lewcock, Ronald B.. The old walled city of San'a', 64-83, 92, 113. Paris: UNESCO, 1986.


Sana'a, Yemen

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Associated Names


17th c./11th c. AH, expanded 1904/1321-1322 AH

Style Periods

Additional Names

House of al-Belayli
House of al Belayli

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