Mushalla Attaqwa
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Although there are many mosques on the Gadjah Mada campus, there was none at the Graduate School, and religious activities were performed in any available space, including classrooms. This mushalla provides a common praying space by a pool within the school’s gardens. The structure is a simple cube finished with local marble and volcanic stone. Open arches give views of the water and landscape and bring in light and air, while on the mihrab wall these arches are filled with patterned glass. The glass pyramid of the roof - a ‘tajug’ - and the crossed arches above are both characteristic Javanese variations on the Middle Eastern mosque dome.


The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 2011.


Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Additional Names

Musholla Attaqwa
Musallah Attaqwa

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