Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe
Rabat, Morocco

Founded in 2001, the Institute aims to preserve and promote Amazigh (Berber) culture. In addition to an auditorium, library, meeting room, VIP room, offices, café and restaurant, it houses seven research centres, on four levels, focusing on different aspects of the heritage. While boldly contemporary, its design draws heavily on Berber art and symbolism. The triangular main facade and some openings recall forms of Berber jewellery; marble floors and stone-and-pebble paths echo traditional carpet patterns; and painted wooden ceilings again reflect Berber geometry. The local stone used to face the main facade has insulation and acoustic benefits in addition to its aesthetic appeal and durability. The harmoniously landscaped garden features an amphitheatre for outdoor events.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture


Rabat, Morocco

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