This section presents a three day tour of historic architecture in central Algeria. Day one includes the towns of and site in Biskra and Touggourt, as well as an introduction to the Tidjaniya order. Day two focuses on Ouargala and Sédrata, but also contains an introduction on Tahert, the first Rustamid capital. Day three focuses on the oases of the M'zab Valley.
Cherid, Houria, Lakhdar Drias, Farida Benouis. "Circuit I: Le Sahara, refuge ibadite." in Un architecture de Lumière. Les arts de l'Islam en Algérie. (version provisoire et incomplète). L’Art Islamique en Méditerranée. Vienna: Museum Ohne Grenzen/Museum With No Frontiers (MWNF), 2017. pp. 51-83.